The Feminist School web site filtered for the second time

The web site of Feminist School 14th April 2008 after its two and a half month of existence has been filtered for the second time. The feminist school which is a coordinated effort of women’s right activists and the one million signatures campaign was set up in February 2008 and was first filtered on First of March on the anniversary of International Women’s Day.

The Feminist School’s web site organised a different web address and continued its activity and now for the second time it has been filtered again, we also like to bring to attention that majority of web sites belonging to women’s movement are filtered for instance Zanestan web site has been filtered Seven times, Focus on Iranian Women web site has been filtered twice and web site of Women’s Field.

The web site of One Million Signatures Campaign has been filtered 10 times and so have its sub division web sites in Kurdistan and Shiraz.

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